Implant Default Selection
Screw-Retained Vs. Cement-Retained Implant Restoration
We understand that there are many factors why you prefer screw-retained instead of cement-retained implant restoration, including retrievability, location, no cementation, and even personal preference.
However, it’s important to note that screw-retained restorations are not suitable for all patients, particularly those with specific location, angulation, or aesthetic requirements. As a result, we have had to communicate with your office to reconsider the use of cement-retained restorations, which has unfortunately led to some delays in our schedule.
Cement-Retained is The Default
Thus, we will proactively select cement-retained restorations without prior communication if screw-retained is not ideal. However, if screw-retained is necessary for certain patients, please inform us in advance. Rest assured, we will continue to prioritize your patient’s needs in our decision-making process.
Also, two next-to-each-other teeth implant restorations (for example, #14 and #15) will most likely be a cement-retained restoration.