E.max Crown

IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate (aka emax) all-ceramic crowns are a transparent, glass-looking material used in dental prostheses for all-ceramic crowns, bridges, and veneers

All-Ceramic IPS e.max Crown

Combined with hydrofluoric acid etching, it creates microscopic pore retention in the surface before bonding a lithium disilicate ceramic to the tooth, resulting in a strong enamel replacement. Arguably, it is the most aesthetic material available today for crowns and bridges. The Art of Aesthetics dental laboratory is an expert in fabricating e.max all-ceramic crowns. It's the most advanced and aesthetic material known in dentistry today. Its manufacturing process produces homogeneous ingots in various degrees of opacity and shades, having a flexural strength of 400 MPa.

Cosmetic Emax Veneers Dental

E.max Cosmetic Porcelain Veneers

Our cosmetic dental laboratory uses e.max for high-cosmetic cases, such as porcelain veneers, full-mouth reconstruction, and the most difficult single unit central to match adjacent teeth. However, we request a reduction that can accommodate space for flexible design and produce highly translucent aesthetic crowns and veneers.

Our e.max all-ceramic crowns are pre-etched with hydrofluoric acid for your convenience. Although you can bond e.max crowns, we recommend the cementation method for extra strength and durability.

Furthermore, at The Art of Aesthetics, we utilize IPS e.max ZirCAD for the following restorations: 

  • Molar bridges with the first molar as a pontic
  • Multi-unit bridges
  • Inlay-retained bridges
  • Deep, subgingival preparations (adhesive cementation)
  • Patients with severely reduced residual dentitions, and 
  • Bruxism (Bruxers)

We offer two types of e.max crowns and bridges:

  • e.max pressed aesthetic core layered with premium e.max aesthetic powder to produce the most natural-looking restoration.
  • Full emax CAD/CAM (monolithic) technology crowns and bridges for higher strength and aesthetics.

The Art of Aesthetics, a high-end cosmetic dental laboratory, offers numerous choices for patient-specific crowns and bridges and dental laboratory restorations, including full monolithic e.max and emax layered with premium emax powder crowns and bridges.

Please remember that e.max all-porcelain crowns are a relatively transparent, glass-looking material. If your patient has dark dentin or metal posts, we may not be able to cover them completely, and the final shade may be different. Therefore, we will need the dentin (stump) shade in addition to the final shade on all e.max all-porcelain restorations. It is always a good practice to take pictures of dentin shades. You can use a dentin shade guide or any shade guide to communicate with us. Select us from your digital scanner today!

The indications for IPS e.max all-ceramic crowns are:

  • Anterior and posterior crowns
  • 3-unit anterior bridges
  • 3-unit bridges up to the second premolar as the abutment tooth
  • Press-over electroplated single crowns
  • Implant superstructures for single restorations
  • Implant superstructures for 3-unit bridge restorations up to the second premolar as the abutment tooth
  • Primary telescope crowns
  • Your monolithic zirconia is prettier than any other lab I have used.
    — Dr. Bradford B., Durango, CO
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    I also want to brag about a crown that I seated this morning. It matched so well. If the tissue wasn’t irritated, I don’t think even most doctors would be able to tell. I am enclosing a photo of it. Please show the lab person who made this crown this picture and thank them for such a talented piece of art. I love the crowns you send. I have very little adjustments and the color is usually great!
    — Dr. Brenda C., Longview, TX
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    The patient and I thank you for these excellent crowns #8,9!
    — Dr. Chris W., Santa Rosa, CA

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